Tag Archives: Education

Where is Dylan Ratigan from MSNBC?



I was an occasional viewer and my husband was a big fan, but after he threw in the towel, anchoring his own show last June, Dylan Ratigan was nowhere to be found.  Recently, he reappeared on a hydroponic farm in southern California.  He has joined forces with a former Marine to build a hydroponic network and employ veterans.

I’m impressed!  In today’s media we have a 24 hour resource of ‘talk the talk” personalities who do nothing else.  This man left it all, and is putting his boots in the soil.  Talk alone cannot change this world.  Exchange of ideas is important, but we need leadership, those who can “walk the walk,” and Dylan Ratigan is leading by example.  More power to him!  Thanks Mr. Ratigan.

Read the article at:  Mother Nature Network

Cheap and Simple Hydroponics:

Forest Fairy Mailbox / Woodland Gnome House

“I heard that if you build a small house, and place it near the woods, then fairies and gnomes will come to visit.  They will come at night most of the time.  They love children, and will bring you gifts, something from nature, every time they come.”


I have to brag, this beautiful little wooden and copper work of art was designed by my son, Matt (blog link) and built by my husband, Greg.  As grandparents, we are committed to exposing our grandchildren to the world of nature. Their parents are doing a wonderful job of that too.  I was reading recently how peculiar it would seem to an ancient, indigenous culture that we now have to “teach” about nature.  Most of us no longer live in the heart of the natural world, but we must never lose our connection to it.

Fairy:Gnome 2      Fairy:Gnome 1

On his first visit to the gnome house, the look on our grandson’s face was incredible! He circled around it and peered in the windows.  And opened the door to find that the gnome had left him a beautiful crystal , an amethyst.  Now every time he receives a gift, an unusual stone, a shell perhaps, or a feather dropped by a bird, he wants to pick a wildflower and leave it in the box, to give back to the gnome.  So cute!

Now we await our granddaughter’s first visit.  The forest fairy is just waiting.  The fairy knows she’s coming, and there will be a gift in the mailbox, something from our beautiful, natural world!


If you have been near a market lately that sells organic food, then you have probably encountered volunteers informing the public about genetically engineered foods.  And, they are collecting signatures on a petition to demand labeling of GE foods.  1.1 million names have been uploaded to the FDA.  Go to this website:  justlabelit.org, and read the FDA’s unbelievable response.

However, the public is not finished.  Ninety-one percent of the American people want their food labeled to show if it has been genetically engineered.

If you don’t know what all this hoopla is about, go to this portion of the website and read the brief, but concise description of genetically engineered foods.
About GE Foods  and the Debate.   Read about the dangers of this experiment, and that is exactly what it is, and if you believe this is important (Remember, our grandchildren will be eating long after we are gone)  you can sign the petition on this site:  Just Label It   I believe we should have a choice, regarding our health.

It is a sad commentary on our times, but I believe, as do many folks, that the FDA is broken, i.e. recalled drugs, contaminated foods, pink slime meat, etc. etc.  In many ways, we really are on our own, with regard to safety.  Fortunately, we have watchdogs, and social media to help us stay informed.  We must educate ourselves, and a positive action that I always encourage:  Buy local and buy organic.

Thank you for paying attention, and taking action.